The Sylian Circle

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Halloween! (Come Join!)
Skittlez 10 330 by Masiomi Kida
Nov 13, 2012 14:54:25 GMT -5


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The Sylian Circle
Where the town circle is. This is the place where everybody goes to for holidays, and maybe just to hang out and chat. It also gives some short cuts to different places, like the Sylian Gardens. It's a large circle in shape, with benches going around a fountain with a statue of Lathiaka on it. (This is in the very middle of the circle) It's said if you drop even the smallest coin in here you'll get a free wish, and also some good luck. Some people come out to just praise the great Lathiaka, it's also a holiday to come out and and celebrate the day she discovered the Janka's a Dragons and the day she died. This is where many houses rest, mainly for non-rider people.
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